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Succulent plant 兰姬莲
Succulent plant 兰姬莲
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Succulent plant 兰姬莲

多肉植物, 不包括花盆。Succulent plant only without flower pot 

How do we take care about it ??
Simply plant it in a pot and leave at bright location without direct sunlight for a few days. Watering the plant on soil, gradually introducing more sunlight, and watching it thrive.

**Please be aware that the color of the plant may vary based on its growing condition. **
You receive the plant that may not be the exact color as the picture. 
With proper care and abundant sunlight the color will reappear.

How do we do packaging and Shipping ??
Step1 :We will remove soil with the pot. 
Step 2 : We will uses wrapping to wrap around Succulent to ensure is wont get damage while shipping.
Step 3 : We shell uses Paper box to do final packing to fit Succulent.
Step 4 : Will pass to courier Company after Packaging completed. 


1. 养出果冻色多肉植物养得又肥又美的秘诀 

  • 要阳光充足,但不能强光暴晒;
  • 需要较大的湿度。其中温差是多肉变色的主要原因。

2. 好水养出好多肉