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Japan Cotton Labo Carbonated Bubble Hydrogen Dry Mask 1pcs 日本补水保湿碳酸面膜
Japan Cotton Labo Carbonated Bubble Hydrogen Dry Mask 1pcs 日本补水保湿碳酸面膜
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日本现在流行碳酸面膜,这款日本丸三cotton Labo新概念碳酸面膜,能改善干燥肌肤起到很好的保湿补水作用。同时,改善皮肤状态深沉清洁肌肤、控油、缩小毛孔。活血增强皮肤活力、活化肌肤细胞、促进新陈代谢、排出老废物!


1. 卸妆洁面后从袋中取出面膜
2. 充分用温水浸湿整片面膜
3. 听到碳酸分解气泡的声音后马上敷于面部,用手轻拍使其于脸部贴合。
4. 发泡时间约2-3分钟,五分钟后用温水洗净
5. 然后进入日常护肤步骤

Carbo mask contains tiny carbonic acid molecules which enter skin easily to remove wastes and provide nourishment! Repair skin cells and improve skin’s elasticity. It also has revitalizing, soothing, moisturizing and whitening effect on skin!

How to use:
1. Remove makeup and wash your face. Do not leave makeup and skincare on your skin. 
2. Take out the mask and soak it into cold or warm water. (The powdery substance is part of the mask)
3. Wait until you hear bubble sound, then it can be applied on your face. 
4. Remove the mask after 5 minutes. 
5. Wash your face with clear water and continue your skincare routine.

#madeinjapan #日本進口 #cottonlabo #bubblemask #carbonated #泡泡面膜 #碳酸 #japan #facemask #facepack #面膜 #日本制造 #labo "