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嫩膚卸洗乳  Purifying Make-up Remover Cleanser  (120ML / 4FL. OZ)

以溫和氨基酸為配方基底完美潔淨, 乾卸濕洗親膚洗顏一次完成,接近肌膚PH值清爽凝膠質地,深層清潔毛孔髒污以吸附原理,分解多餘油脂與殘妝,徹底清潔肌膚!敏弱肌也可安心使用。添加植物精萃,豐富舒緩保濕元素,兼具保濕與修護功能的特色,讓肌膚從洗臉就開始作保養,洗後肌膚細緻嫩滑不緊繃,清爽潔淨的觸感,適合天天使用,呵護寶貝肌膚!

Mild amino acid is used as the basic ingredient for cleaning. Your skin can be cleaned gently and thoroughly no matter whether you use the cleaner with or without water. As its pH value is close to that of your skin, the fresh gel can remove dirts deep inside the pores through absorption, decompose excessive oil and markup and clean your skin thoroughly! It's also available for sensitive skin. Plant essences containing rich soothing and moisturizing factors are added to provide you both moisturization and protection. Thus you skin will be tender, smooth, fresh and clean and not tight after being cleaned with the gel. It's suitable for daily use to care for your tender skin!


全效水感保濕露  Multifunction Hydrating Flash Lotion (30ML / 1FL. OZ)

Increase skin elasticity, softness, and raise the skin’s vitality, maintain the moisture level of the skin, re-establish cell viscosity, to fast replenish dry and damaged skin.

Reinforce skin moisturizing ability, especially towards middle dry and cuticle damaged skin for additional replenishment, desalination wrinkles and small fine lines, Vitamin B5, triggers cell regeneration and replenishment, in further prevention on skin ageing.

增加皮膚彈性、柔軟度,提升皮膚活力,維持肌膚飽水度,重建細胞黏合性,迅速修護乾燥與受損的肌膚。 加強皮膚保濕能力,針對中乾性及角質受損之肌膚,加以滋潤,淡化皺紋、細紋,維生素原B5,刺激細胞分裂再生並組織修復,延緩肌膚老化。


保濕潔膚水 Moisturizing Ultra Facial Toner

Thoroughly remove dirt on the face and dead horny and substances left in the pores after makeup. Present smooth skin texture and skin care treatment.

清爽隔離防曬霜 SPF50 Refreshing Protection UVA/UVB Cream SPF50


The ultra-high sun protection factor and resist UVA/UVB without greasy texture. It presents natural skin gloss like photoshop effect.